Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The logic of this place is absolutely astounding.

I actually sat in class and laughed for about 5 minutes straight today, right in the middle of class. We all had a good chuckle. Here's why:

Me: Calling 3 different offices spanning two different provinces for the past 5 business days "hey, do you have my loan, I know the papers were filed, can I pay for school now?"

them: "No, it's not here, you didn't send it in early enough, you should have sent it in earlier so it could be processed on time, it's your own fault."

Me: "How can that be? It was passed in a week before the deadline, and the letter came saying it was processed? I know I've sent it in!"

Them: "no you're wrong, you have to be wrong, we don't just lose that kind of information"

Two days later, when my loan papers suddenly 'mysteriously' appear.

Me: "Thank you oh thank you soooo much! This is great. By the by, where exactly were they/how were they found?"

Them: "Well, you sent them in so early, it was assumed that it was for a previous year/from someone who would get it before school started, so we filed them away where we didn't have them visible. Perhaps you shouldn't have sent them in so early. We've had them here the whole time."


Next comes the arrival of my long awaited computer package, which I have to wait for a little yellow sheet to arrive in my mail box so I can traipse across campus and haul it back to my place. I check the box at 4:30, no paper. I go home, drink some milk, and just for kicks, go across campus to the housing department to see if maybe it had come in but my notice hadn't been sent over. It's now 5:05, and of course, housing is closed. At least I got to look at the ducks and run up 3 flights of stairs. I also get a rude indication of when the office hours are, and that I should have come by earlier. Mind you, we actually live in our apartments 24/7. You also have to be full time to be allowed to live in housing, which I am, my classes go from 9-5 everyday, I just got out early today. Housing services hours? Yep, they're 9-5 weekdays only. Craptascular planning. On my way home, I stop at my mail box, where, of course, my little yellow package notice is. It's now 5:10, and I may never get my package.

My classmates and I have decided to make all Friday evening happy hour. It will be grand.

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