Thursday, January 04, 2007

We're back, the term has started anew

and they're trying to screw me already. Well, housing is, but I've just sent a carefully worded letter of complaint, which will hopefully be received, considered, determined to be right, problem corrected, and all to be well with the world again. Hopefully. I'll keep ya posted. In the meantime, I found a good dollar store, and loaded up on bagfulls of school and apartment stuff for the low low price of 9.98. I love you dollaramma. You're a savior in a quagmire of money grabbers, and are to be commended. Such simple things can make me happy. That, and little quacking ducks milling about my feet, all excited that the snow has melted and they can eat the grass again.


Tay said...

Ah ducks...that would make me happy too. Here in the T-dot we have the world's most extroverted pigeons and they never fail to make me laugh.

jnelle said...

i'm a fan of our neighbourhood hares who hippity hoppity while i sludge to work.

duckies make me happy!

whats up with the housing? you don't have to live in a tent, do you????