Yeah yeah, I haven't posted in a while.
Look, a million sorrys if you've missed me, I've been busy. I apologize if you think I've fallen off the face of the planet or some such horrid fate, alas, I'm still here. Things are a bit hectic here at school, I'm working far harder than I'm used to, which makes me quite a dull girl. I get up at 7, catch the bus at 8, class starts at 9, and I get off at sometime around 4-5, depending on whether I can leave then or not is up in the air, as I don't have all the programs on my computer at home, like idrisi or minitab, or the equation editor. Yeah, that's right, I'm all about the minitab these days. Shoot me now please. Then I spend a lovely rousing evening trying to figure out how to do the multitude of assignments that they've plagued us with, or imagine what exactly it is they'd like us to include in our mysterious lab reports. Sometimes I catch a quick swim, sometimes I just fall asleep from sheer exhaustion, only to wake up at 11 and panic because I've wasted too much time. God it's fun to be a grad student, why would I ever consider leaving this all behind to get a career?
I did get out last weekend though, had a fantastic time. Got to sit and drink with nice new people, and listen while they played guitar, which made me miss home terribly, but at least there are other people in the world that I've found to hang out with that are somewhat as nice as all the people I've left at home (or who've escaped to other parts of Canada). I'm usually referred to as "my love" or equally as cute "my duck" by those who address me, or called Tazmarania or KamasutraGirl. The girls call me Tamsyn for the most part, so I'll take it where I can get it.
Apparently this weekend is Mardi Gras, and I've been requested to come to a prebash and join them for the long walk downtown in the freezing wind to stand in the streets and drink heartily with other people of like minds. Did I mention that it's required that you wear costumes? Yeah, apparently I've got to get on that too. Well see if I can afford to take the time off, or even afford it monetarily. As the first time in the past 9 years that I've spent without having a job of some sort, I'm quickly running out of money. Might be needing to look into fixing that, but I keep running into the problem that I hate people in general, dislike customer service with a passion, and lack the ability to work in the food industry. Hopefully something pops up.
Anyway, now I've got to go write a lab test, followed on Friday by a midterm, and finish two assignments and a few lab reports by then. Yeah, I'm having a blast up here. Can't wait for Christmas. :)